WAIA News, March 2001 01-Mar-2001 Contents -------- 1. Public Meeting - March 13 2. Diarise Now - October 15/16 3. Speakers Wanted 4. Web Design Competition 5. WAIX News 6. Important URL's 7. New Domain Name Enviroment for Australia 8. Contact Details 9. Credits Public Meeting - March 13 ------------------------- WAIA is holding it's quarterly public meeting on Tuesday March 13 2001. Speakers include . Here's a chance to network with other internet users and professionals, learn more about various topics and the Western Australian Internet Association in general. Members and Non-members alike are encouraged to come along. Entry is free to members, and only $5 to non-members. You can join on the night and have the entry fee waived. Diarise Now - October 15/16 --------------------------- WAIA is currently busy at work planning this years ISP.conf... there are some exciting speakers and topics being planned, so please mark October 15 and 16 2001 in your diaries now! Speakers Wanted --------------- We're always looking for high-quality, interesting speakers for our Quarterly Public Meetings - have someone in mind, perhaps yourself? Please email an outline of what topics they could present, plus contact details, to the Secretary, Miles.Burke@waia.asn.au. Web Design Competition ---------------------- We're working on having a Web Design competition for the WAIA website (www.waia.asn.au) ...stay tuned for more information and a call for entries. WAIX News --------- Since our last newsletter WAIX has increased in size a little with new organisations connecting to WAIX and the addition of a WAIX POP in the Swiftel Communications Co-Location Room in the QV1 building. Of the new connections the most note-worthy has ServiceNet. ServiceNet is the WA Government ISP which means that all state government departments are now connected to WAIX. We are seeing a huge flow of traffic both to and from ServiceNet which is great news for both ServiceNet and all WAIX participants. Getting ServiceNet connected to WAIX has been a long time goal of WAIA's and one that has now been achieved. Plans are underway for another WAIX POP to be located in East Perth over the next few months which will facilitate more members connecting to WAIX. Important URL's --------------- WAIA Homepage http://www.waia.asn.au Why Join WAIA? http://www.waia.asn.au/waia/whyjoin.html WAIX Section http://www.waia.asn.au/waix/ Members http://www.waia.asn.au/members/ Committee http://www.waia.asn.au/committee/current.html New Domain Name Enviroment for Australia ---------------------------------------- (Submitted by auDA www.auda.org.au) auDA’s two Advisory Panels have released public consultation reports proposing changes to domain name policy, and a model for introducing competition in the provision of domain name services in Australia. In its second public consultation report, auDA’s Name Policy Advisory Panel has refined its proposals in relation to two important questions – who is eligible to obtain a domain name in the .au domain space, and what domain name can they have? “The Name Panel has carefully considered all comments received in response to its November 2000 report, and has re-visited its approach to some key policy issues, including the so-called ‘derivation rule’ and ‘generic’ domain names”, said Panel Chair, Derek Whitehead. The Name Panel invites further comment on its proposals, ahead of making its final recommendations to the auDA Board in April 2001. auDA’s Competition Model Advisory Panel is also inviting comments on its first public consultation report, which outlines a possible model for competition in the provision of domain name services. “The Panel has developed a number of proposals aimed at promoting a robust domain name services market that supports greater consumer choice, lower prices and better quality of service“, said Panel Co-Chair, David Lieberman. “The main issue under consideration is whether the long-term interests of Internet users are best served by a single registry model, or a multiple registries model”, said Panel Co-Chair, George Michaelson. “auDA welcomes the Panels’ reports and strongly encourages everyone with an interest in domain names in Australia to read the reports and make a submission,” said auDA CEO, Chris Disspain. “We look forward to receiving feedback from the Australian community about the way in which the .au domain space should be managed, for the benefit of all domain name holders and Internet users.” Both Panel reports are available on the auDA website at http://www.auda.org.au or phone 03 9226 9495. The closing date for public submissions is Friday 16 March 2001. For further information about the Name Panel report, contact Derek Whitehead on phone 03 9214 8333 or 0412 996 025 or email dwhitehead@swin.edu.au For further information about the Competition Panel report, contact David Lieberman on phone 0407 227 686 or email lieberman67@hotmail.com or George Michaelson on phone 07 3365 4310 or email (preferred) ggm@dstc.edu.au Contact Details --------------- The WAIA Committee is always after your feedback. Our general feedback and enquiries address is committee@waia.asn.au. However, if you should wish to contact one of the committee members directly, you can find their details on our website at http://www.waia.asn.au/committee/current.html Credits ------- This edition of WAIA News was created by Miles Burke, Gavin Tweedie and includes material from auDA. Entered by: Miles Burke