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We held a Member Forum on Wednesday 9th August to give IAA Members an opportunity to let us know how we are going, and to give an update on all things IAA. We surveyed members first to see what topics they wanted and compiled the agenda in response. At the start of the session, we also gave members another opportunity to add any further topics.

Although we did not receive many responses to the Pre-event Survey (9), they were generally very positive. In the interests of transparency and to raise discussion, we provided the one critical submission and addressed all the concerns.   IAA’s objects, as stated in our Constitution, require us to both operate the IX infrastructure and participate in advocacy and facilitate education and informed discussion about the Internet, so we covered off all these topics.

One of the key issues that has come to light for us in recent times is that some Members are missing out on communications as they have unsubscribed. If you think this may be a problem you’re having, please send us an email on and we can resubscribe you.

We are currently working on the functionality of the IAA Member Portal and a future feature will allow you to nominate your communications preferences.



We stepped Members through the exchanges that have recently had or are currently undergoing some changes.

As ever, we go where our Members want us, so we will be in the new Adelaide NextDC A1 when it opens; SA-IX has recently vacated Adam DC and, due to DC closure, 132 Franklin will cease operations in March. We’ve made a few upgrades to SA-IX (more bandwidth, new switches) and the free window will now cease with billing to commence at a 50% discount for connected Members for one year from October.

We also expect our shiny new switches for NSW-IX to arrive soon, so we will kick off testing straight away and expect the 400Gbps services will ready for service in January 2024.

The WA-IX renumbering project is going well, with around 30 Members already using the new addresses. Narelle apologised for the member emails being delayed and explained that staff illness and new code going live (implemented to ensure we could use trouble tickets to track the renumbering) led to this delay. Subsequently the press picked up her blog, getting their article out just in front of our email. Not the sequence we prefer, so we are duly chastised.

We’ve also started scoping a project to light up WA-IX at NextDC P2, and subject to Board approval will commence that asap.

We also took the opportunity to alert Members of new discounts available.

We also brought Members the exciting news that we’re in the process of creating and bringing TAS-IX online, in partnership with FSG. Members will receive ports free of charge for the first 12 months while we test and grow the service.

Finally, we reviewed the Route Server upgrade we’re undertaking. Making them more secure, more robust and just generally better!

For the full story, view a pdf of the IX Update Slide Deck.

We are working hard to bring improvements to the IAA Members Portal and have reviewed the software we currently use. Nick walked Members through the issues with the current system and how we’re changing some of the software out to bring you improved functionality.

We also shared news of new features in the Portal, both live and coming soon. Look out for more news as we go live in the coming weeks.  We’re especially proud of the Member Resources section where you can find a set of great legal templates to help you run your ISP.

For the full story, view a pdf of the Portal Update Slide Deck.

If you have any questions or requests for improvements to the portal, let Nick know at:


We provided an overview of our recent public policy and advocacy work, including the number of submissions we have made. We also outline other ways we are representing our Members, through our support and attendance of industry events.  We also shared news of our new guide to being compliant with the Online Safety Code.

For the full story, view a pdf of the Advocacy & Events Update Slide Deck.

We also listed all of our past, current and future events and sponsorships for Members to review. From our popular IAA Systers program through to our end of year events we’ve had some great catch ups and contributed quite a bit to the industry more broadly.

For the full story, view a pdf of the Advocacy & Events Update Slide Deck.


table with a list of upcoming IAA events