IAA Annual General Meeting

The 2019 Annual General Meeting was held last night at the Stamford Plaza Hotel, and it was great to see so many of our members attend.
As part of the AGM, elections were held to elect representatives to the Board. We are pleased to welcome three new members to the IAA Board, Jay Binks of Over the Wire and Chris Kawchuk of Virtutel, join the IAA Board as corporate representatives and Matthew McDonough has been appointed as a professional representative.
Current board members David Hooton, Nathan Brookfield and Daryl Collins were re-elected.
The Board would like to thank Matthew Enger for his work and commitment to the Association during his time on the board.
The members voted in support of the proposed Rule Changes. As acknowledged in the meeting, an error with one motion has been identified and the Board will follow this up and will report back to members with the outcome.
Due to some technical challenges the live stream was not able to be broadcast, however the full meeting can now be viewed online, and the slides are available to download here.
Meeting minutes and financials will be circulated to voting contacts shortly.
A number of upcoming projects were shared at the AGM, including
- Implementation of a new member CRM
- 2020 event program with more content-based events
- Member offers to support APRICOT 2020
- Free policy workshops
- Establishing the IAA Advisory Council
- Establishing an IAA Annual Conference
The Association continues to support delivering high quality technical services for our members, including improved automation and expanding the network to continue supporting our members growth.
The Board welcomes your feedback, if you would like to get in touch with the team please call 1300 653 132 or email membership@internet.asn.au