IAA Continues to Support Network Database - Internet Association of Australia
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IAA Continues to Support Network Database


IAA has recently renewed its sponsorship of the interconnection database PeeringDB.

PeeringDB is a database of networks, exchanges and places of interconnection. It uses data that members enter to drive connectivity.

Companies such as Facebook, Google, Amazon and many others use the database to make decisions on where to build out new locations.

IAA encourages members to create an account to register their details on PeeringDB. For members already listed on the database, it is essential you ensure your details are kept up to date. Alternatively, you can select ‘Allow IXP Update” and we will update your existing records.

“PeeringDB is a fantastic source of information for the industry, it provides a single source of truth for network operators to determine where they should be and who to peer with,” explains IAA Secretary, Nathan Brookfield.

“We really encourage our members to join and maintain their own information. The more members we have listed in the database, the more information prospective peers have to locate your network and it provides an incentive for new networks to build in Australia and join our exchanges.”

“IAA has been supporting PeeringDB over the past few years and is proud to support this valuable public resource through ongoing sponsorship into the future.”


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