We are all feeling the impact of the bushfires raging across Australia right now. I know I’ve experienced a mix of emotions listening to and watching the news coverage, the main ones being shock and sympathy.
I’m sure, however, there will be many of our members directly affected, so with that in mind, we’d like to reach out to see if there is anything we can assist with. Perhaps you have surplus equipment or could donate something or time to those in need.
We’re hearing a lot about regional communications outages; can we use our expertise and equipment to help get things going again?
Are there any members, or member businesses, in need of equipment or practical assistance at this time? Is there anything that other members might have, or could do, that you need?
Please email donations@internet.asn.au or text/WhatsApp on +61412297043 and let us know what you have to give or need to get.
We will place a list of items and needs onto our website, internet.asn.au/donations, that people can review, and we will look to coordinating distribution. While it won’t be possible to get things into evacuation zones this weekend, as soon as it is safe we will do our best to get people or gear into areas of need.