Annual General Meeting round-up

Another fantastic AGM took place this month, it was a hybrid event so those near and far could join.
After an Acknowledgement of Country, we had updates from Chair Matthew Enger, Deputy Chair Brett O’Hara and CEO Narelle Clark. Matthew extended a thank you to the Board and staff for all their hard work; Brett presented a snapshot of the audited financials; and Narelle Clark delivered an insightful and interesting walk through of the past year.
The motion that Crunch Auditing be adopted as the IAA auditors for FY22-23 passed and Company Secretary Kitty Hibble, acting as the Returning Officer, announced the results of the 2022 election. Congratulations to Nathan Brookfield on your appointment to the IAA Board and Matthew Enger on your reappointment.
We would like to thank all the members who voted in the election and attended the meeting – in person and online via Zoom.
Here’s to another busy and effective year ahead!