Tech news: New 40/100G service points delivered to VIC-IX

The mighty Tech Team have been very busy and are pleased to announce the Phase 1 of the rack migration at VDC-MEL03 is now complete. 40/100G ports are now available to all members on level 3. Make sure you get your orders in via the IAA Portal!
Our cable up to MDC/5GN on level 15 is currently being re-terminated from our previous rack in the OFDF to now be direct to our rack, which should be completed within a few weeks. We will soon be able to deliver 40/100G service ports to MDC/5GN members via level 15. Regardless of where you are at 530 Collins St, feel free to place your order now!
As a result of this hardware being installed, we were able to upgrade our VIC-IX ring to fully redundant 200G paths giving us up to 400Gbps usable out of each site, and at the same time reducing OPEX by choosing 100G BiDi transceivers to get the most out of a pair of fibre.
This hardware will also permit us to finally progress further on updating our layer 2 fabric technology choice. Watch this space for more updates!