From the CEO Desk

It’s been a little quieter around here over the last month, as it’s been head down, tail up ploughing through the upgrades (well done Nick and Aaron) and preparing for our AGM in just over a week’s time. I participated in a panel as part of APNIC’s Networking from Home Oceania event and will be part of the line up next month for APNIC 50 giving a recap of the Australian ISP industry’s survival tactics during the pandemic. I’m also gradually getting to meet with many of our corporate members, and your feedback led to our taking a strong stand in the media on the upcoming CVC charge resumption by NBN Co.
The team have also made great progress implementing RPKI – if you’ve received an email saying your routes include invalids, please make the changes or liaise with us to help. It’s important we keep the routing table as clean as possible.
Speaking of the AGM, I hope you will take the time to vote on the changes to our Rules, and for the board election. A strong and active board is essential to our governance and are frequently our go to team for strategic advice. If you haven’t received your ballot email – do be in touch!