From the CEO’s Desk

Well, that was quite a month! Covid has once again thrown a massive spanner into our planning. We had to arrange remote hands for the relocation of RS2 in Melbourne, our SGM had a token presence on site, and events are being madly rescheduled all over the place. The IAA team have been fabulous, with half of us in lockdown and the other half sending us all vital supplies of masks. We soldier on…
Luckily also for us in NSW, the State government has confirmed our staff fit the definition of ‘essential workers’ so should we have the situation where switches need emergency attention that remote hands and remote access cannot give, we are able to attend. Our rearrangement effort on VIC-IX with the imminent removal of 55 King St is progressing well, with new links in train and the route server relocated this week. As promised, we will be keeping the site operating until the power goes off. Other upgrades are still taking place, including a ring upgrade on VIC-IX, however some longer term projects are suffering compound delays. At least the intercapital and other upgrades we completed last year have ensured we have capacity to meet the latest upsurge in demand due to the lockdowns.
Unfortunately, the Sydney lockdown has pushed AusNOG out until December, meaning our associated events, including our AGM, will be rescheduled as well. Let’s just hope that means we have even better end of year celebrations! We’ll certainly need it by then.
Lockdowns haven’t stopped the seeming endless supply of regulatory proposals from government, however! Our regulatory effort is proceeding well – we’ve submitted on NBN regulation to the ACCC and are arguing for an updated regulatory approach that removes CVC charges and brings the multi-technology mix under the same regulation as fibre to the premises. This should mean clear accountabilities for NBN Co for performance and connection times, for example. We’re also participating in the Dept of Home Affairs consultation about improving the standards of cybersecurity across the community. The irony of this effort when compared with their previous legislation that actually mandates weaker security is not lost on us!
I’m also still catching up with members wherever I can via Zoom. If you want to catch up over any burning topics, feel free to drop me a line via
And finally, on the topic of member meetings, I must extend a genuine thank you to all who participated and voted in this week’s SGM. The board and I genuinely thank all members for their confidence in us as we take the organisation to its next phase of maturity. We will now proceed to registration with ASIC and the inevitable paperwork to transfer over to a company limited by guarantee and regulated under the Australian Corporations Act. All our existing contracts and agreements remain in place, so there will be no disruption to services.
Stay safe everyone
Narelle Clark, CEO