Have you submitted your asset information?

The last chance to complete your asset registration under the new carrier licence condition and determination for eligible CSPs is 8 October 2022. Under this new determination, telcos must provide the Department of Home Affairs’ Cyber and Infrastructure Security Centre (CISC) with operational information in relation to their telecommunications assets. Where an entity holds a direct interest of at least 10% or a controlling stake in the asset, information about the interest and control in the asset must also be reported.
An ‘asset’ is defined to be a tangible asset owned or operated by a carrier/eligible carriage service provider and is used to supply a carriage service. It does not refer to typical termination equipment on customer premises. An asset can be thought of by way of an analogy – the entire car as opposed to the individual components that make up the motor vehicle. Please visit the CISC website for further information. We have also created this helpful guide to assist you.