February’s Advocacy Corner Update

Completed Submissions
We’ve had a busy month in February, responding to four consultations, three of which were for the Minister of Home Affairs!
Draft Rules Register of Critical Infrastructure & Mandatory Reporting Scheme | 1 February 2022
These Draft Rules would introduce additional security obligations for select industry members who are deemed as critical infrastructure assets. In our response, we emphasised the need for a measured approach that will reduce the obligatory burdens for businesses on behalf of our members in the domain name system and data processing or storage sectors who could become subject to the new rules.
Exposure Draft Security Legislation Amendment (Critical Infrastructure Protection) Bill | 1 February 2022
This Bill, forming part two of the Security Legislation Amendment (Critical Infrastructure) Act enacted in December 2021 would introduce a Risk Management Program and enhanced security obligations for industry members. We requested that thresholds and definitions be clearly and appropriately regulated to ensure only necessary entities will become subject to the likely burdensome obligations under the new Act.
Electronic Surveillance Framework Discussion Paper | 11 February 2022
In addition to the joint organization letter, we responded to the proposed major overhaul of Australia’s electronic surveillance system, particularly on behalf of our members. In our response, we focused on the potentially adverse impacts, particularly for smaller businesses as well as advocating for the broader public interest in ensuring government powers remain balanced and subject to appropriate oversight.
Telecommunications Service Provider (Customer Identity Authentication) Determination 2022 | ACMA | 15 February 2022
Following our submission to the Customer Identity Authentication Determination last December, ACMA has invited us for further consultation on the revised Draft Determination along with other targeted stakeholders. We responded to their queries regarding existing systems on behalf of our members and requested greater time to be provided to businesses prior to the Determination coming into effect so that members can implement the requisite systems and processes. Furthermore, we opposed the inclusion of the Determination into the revised Telecommunications (Listed Infringement Notice Provisions) Declaration following its sunset in April 2022. We expressed it would be unfair to impose penalties on entities for failure to comply with new systems in the near future whilst systems were still being implemented.
Open Submissions
2022 Broadband Speed Claims Guidance Consultation | ACCC | 25 February 2022
ACCC is seeking to review its Broadband Speed Claims – Industry Guidance 2020 (Guidance). This updated Guidance includes six principles regarding expectations for network operators, RSPs and consumers, and is part of ongoing periodic reviews by the Commission.