Malicious Domains: Where they are, and what we can do about them

We’re excited to announce the very first Convergent event: Malicious Domains: Where they are, and what we can do about them.
Date: Wednesday 22 March 2023
Time: 9:00am AWST / 12:00pm AEDT
Location: Online via Zoom
During this event we’ll hear from DNS experts, Graeme Bunton and Rowena Schoo, from the DNS Abuse Institute and moderator, IAA CEO Narelle Clark, as they discuss the topic of malicious domains. This event is not to be missed!
Presentation slide deck available here.
Narelle Clark, CEO, Internet Association of Australia Ltd
Narelle Clark is the Chief Executive Officer of the Internet Association of Australia, a not-for-profit telecommunications carrier operating internet exchanges across Australia and New Zealand. Ms Clark has a broad technical and strategic view of Internet scale ICT delivery having been a user, builder, operator and researcher of Internet networks through her extensive career with major telecommunications companies, research agencies and consumer bodies, as well as a leadership and governance background in the not-for-profit sector. She is an Honorary Fellow with the University of Wollongong and holds a seat on the board of the Public Interest Registry which operates the .Org top-level domain. Ms Clark was also a Trustee of the global Internet Society from 2010-2016.
Graeme Bunton, Executive Director, DNS Abuse Institute
Graeme Bunton is the Executive Director of the DNS Abuse Institute, an initiative dedicated to developing collaborative and innovative methods of reducing DNS abuse. Graeme has over 11 years of DNS policy experience. Prior to heading the DNS Abuse Institute, he was the Head of Policy for Tucows and served as Chair of the Registrar Stakeholder Group for four years. Graeme was one of the driving forces behind the ‘Framework to Address Abuse’, a new set of guidelines and principles for addressing online harms, which was adopted by more than 50 registries and registrars. He helped found the Citizen Lab at the University of Toronto, and served on the Board of the Internet Infrastructure Coalition for 6 years.
Rowena Schoo, Director of Programs and Policy, DNS Abuse Institute
Rowena Schoo is Director, Programs and Policy at the DNS Abuse Institute. Prior to joining the Institute, she worked for Ofcom, the UK’s communications regulator, Nominet UK, and the UK government at the Department for Digital, Culture, Media, and Sport. Rowena has over a decade of experience in and around policy, and holds two degrees – Bachelor of Laws (Hons) and Bachelor of Arts (International Relations and Political Science) – from the Australian National University (ANU).