APNIC Executive Council election – your vote is valuable

Voting is now open for the APNIC Executive Council (EC) election. If you are a member of APNIC, IAA strongly encourages you to vote.
APNIC is the organisation responsible for the distribution and management of IP addresses and AS numbers in the Asia-Pacific region. The APNIC EC is responsible for the management of APNIC’s activities and functions, including its strategic direction and budget on behalf of APNIC members. The constitution of the EC can have a great impact on the Internet landscape and community in Australia, and more globally. IAA is firmly committed to stability and reliability in the management of Internet resources and considers the continuing good governance of APNIC to be essential to this cause.
As it’s a member-driven organisation, it is important that you use your vote, and do so wisely to ensure a well-rounded and appropriate EC.
We strongly encourage you to:
- carefully consider the candidates
- ensure the candidate you vote for appropriately represents the Internet community and works in the best interest of the Internet.
Voting closes 14:30 AWST (UTC +8) Thursday 2 March 2023.
Further information on the nominees and processes can be found on the APNIC nominations page.