Equinix’s PE3 Hard Hat Tour

Our Perth team were fortunate enough to attend a Hard Hat Tour through Equinix’s PE3 site on Tuesday 19 October. Still under construction, Equinix’s Global Solutions Architect – Phil – took them through the building to see everything from the rooftop right down to the loading dock!
The first phase of the site has an estimated cost of A$76.6 million and is targeted to open in Q4 2021. When completed, this new data centre will provide 1,650 cabinets and a colocation space of more than 10,600 square metres.
Due to the proximity to Southeast Asia, two subsea cable links – Australia Singapore Cable (ASC) and the Indigo Cable – terminate directly inside the Equinix Perth campus.
Thank you, team Equinix, for showing us through your new data centre, we look forward to seeing it all finished!