From the CEO

We have had an exciting and challenging month this month with numerous projects and events. Our RPKI activation went completely smoothly, so now we can all be smug that our routing is as clean as can be. We also welcomed Sean Riordan from the ACCC with SamKnows for a lively session on broadband performance measurement at our latest Life Under Lockdown online event, and I presented at APNIC 50 giving a recap of the Australian ISP industry’s survival tactics during the pandemic. I’ve continued to meet with members on an individual basis, and also added some politicians and other stakeholders this month.
Our strong stance on the resumption of CVC charging has paid off, with NBN Co announcing it would extend the discount. We will continue with this advocacy, and I have raised it directly with the Minister for Communications. I also raised other issues including the challenges our members see in NBN onboarding – if you have experienced difficulty with the onboarding process, please get in touch as we will be following up on this issue further with both the Minister and NBN Co.
Unfortunately, we did have to postpone the AGM to make sure that we are squeaky clean in our approach to enabling voting. Your voice is genuinely important, so we thought it best to withdraw the special resolutions. The delay also means we will be able to have a guest speaker, and I am proud to announce that Jari Arkko, former head of the IETF, and current member of the IAB and Ericsson Research, will be talking about the evolution of the internet and hopefully will include some fun observations about his adventures with IoT.
Nick and the team have also completed some more upgrades, so you should be enjoying faster, more reliable route services. Well done team!