June’s Advocacy Corner Update

Completed Submissions
Telstra-TPG Merger Authorisation | ACCC
In our response to the Commission’s consultation regarding the merger authorisation requested by Telstra and TPG, we noted our general support for the principle of open access provided at a fair cost, while bringing attention to the potential risk of adversely hindering competition through entrenching dominant players in the market. Overall, IAA believes that any infrastructure built with public money should be open to all relevant and qualified telecommunications providers to access.
National Data Security Action Plan | Department of Home Affairs
The National Data Security Action Plan is in a very early stage of development. In our response, we focused on the need for government to clarify the policy context surrounding data security for the telecommunications sector. We called for greater meaningful engagement with the sector, and support for businesses to encourage collaboration. While we acknowledge the need to ensure Australia’s data security, it is imperative that this takes a multistakeholder approach, and that the Action Plan is cohesive, clear and effective.
Open Submissions
NBN Co. SAU Variation | ACCC | 8 July 2022
The ACCC is seeking submissions to its report on NBN Co.’s SAU Variation. The proposed variation from NBN Co includes product and pricing commitments, changing the framework for NBN Co’s cost recovery, and incorporating fibre-to-the-node and other copper-based technologies to create a single regulatory framework for all technologies. We are still keen to hear from any members with views on this important topic, as we know it is a highly contentious matter!