Nominations are now open for the IAA Board.
We invite members to nominate for election to the Board for three Board seats, two openings are for three-year terms and one is a one-year term (to fill a casual vacancy). Currently serving Directors are eligible to nominate again, should they choose to do so.
Being on the IAA Board is a great way to get involved and give back to both the Association and the Internet community. Current Board members have found it to be a positive, networking experience, working with a highly functional, collaborative team of Internet professionals.
The AGM will take place on Tuesday, 14 November 2023
Perth 1:30pm AWST
Darwin 3:00pm ACST
Brisbane 3:30pm AEST
Adelaide 4:00pm ACDT
Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra, Hobart 4:30 AEDT
Via Zoom, hosted from IAA’s Sydney HQ
Look out for the official notifications, nominations, reports and register to attend via Zoom through the IAA Member Portal now.