IAA and AXONVX deliver WA’s first direct connection to Microsoft ExpressRoute for Office 365

The Internet Association of Australia (IAA) and NEXTDC, Australia’s leading Data-Centre-as-a-Service provider, are proud to announce the successful launch of our Microsoft ExpressRoute VLL service on the AXONVX virtual exchange.
With this launch, on Friday February 26th 2016 IAA successfully delivered the first ExpressRoute service to a Perth location from Microsoft via AXONVX. This is the first ExpressRoute service to go live in WA.
NEXTDC CEO Craig Scroggie said “As a carrier and service-provider neutral platform AXONVX is free to facilitate any kind of connectivity service, and by partnering with the not-for-profit peering exchange IX Australia we have delivered Western Australia’s first direct connection to Microsoft ExpressRoute for Office 365, and demonstrated our organisations’ commitment to delivering the benefits of neutrality to the market.”
“As a member driven association IAA strive to provide any services which support our members and the Internet as a whole in Australia,” said Association President, Tom Berryman. “Developing meaningful partnerships within the industry are essential to the Association’s goals, and we are pleased to be working with NEXTDC and AXONVX to deliver Microsoft ExpressRoute for Office 365, and look forward to working with new partners in this space”.
“Microsoft ExpressRoute services are available to all NEXTDC customers and to IAA members with paid peering services on IX Australia exchanges,” said IX Australia Technical manager Joe Wooller. “AXONVX and IX Australia are offering a period of free, reciprocal access to each other’s networks.”
NEXTDC is offering partners six-months free connection to AXONVX for a limited time.
In January, Association members supported a name change from the Western Australian Internet Association, to the Internet Association of Australia, reflecting the Association’s growth to represent a more national membership.
“As providers of Australia’s only not-for-profit and carrier natural Internet peering exchange, IX Australia, the Association will continue to provide quality services to our members,” said Berryman.
“The IAA Executive remains committed to developing projects that support both members’ needs and the Internet community.”
The Association welcomes any interested parties to contact us to discuss possible partnerships or projects by phoning 1300 652 132 or emailing info@internet.asn.au