NSW-IX Hits 150 Unique peers!

Yesterday saw IX Australia turn up peer 150 on NSW-IX and today peer 151!
Some of the new additions to NSW-IX include;
Akamai/Prolexic (AS32787)
Ergon (AS24479)
Full Flavour (AS132857)
GCOMM (AS17766)
I-Root/Netnode (AS8674)
Nextgen (AS38809)
Oxygen Networks (AS55765)
University of QLD (AS7475)
Wombat Servers (AS133480)
If you would like to request a bi-lateral with any of the peers above please check out their peeringdb.com page. If they don’t have one feel free to contact us (peering@internet.asn.au) and we will get you in contact with them!