2011 AGM Results

The 2010/2011 Annual General Meeting of the WA Internet Association was held on September 6, 2011.
It was an enjoyable meeting with a chance for members to catch-up, hear progress on WAIA projects, review audited financial information and vote on a new committee.
Following this meeting, the following people make up the committee for the next year.
- Richard Bone (Elk Software Group)
Corporate Members
- Ciphtertel (Representative: Pawel Mrugalski)
- WAnet (Representative: Petar Nikolich)
- R-NAS (Representative: Chris Markovic)
- Ivec (Representative: Daniel Grimwood)
Individual Members
- Gavin Tweedie
- Brad Peczka
- Matt Didcoe
Affiliate Members
- WA Network Gaming Inc. (Representative: Will Dowling)