2012 AGM Results

It was great to see some of our members at the WAIA AGM on Tuesday 11 September.
For those unable to attend, Richard Bone delivered his presidents report, which you can read here .
Following the election of new executive members WAIA is pleased to introduce you to the new Executive.
The WAIA Executive and their portfolios are:
- Richard Keeves, President
- Petar Nikolich, Secretary
- Paul Arch, Treasurer
- Gavin Tweedie
- Pawel Mrugalski, Media Officer
- Brad Peczka, Events Co-ordinator
- Chris Markovic, Promo Officer
- Rhett Hislop, Website
The Executive will be working hard to being you a new range of member benefits, interesting events and to help WAIA grow as a representative of the internet industry in Western Australia.
For a copy of the AGM Minutes or the Financial Statements please email Executive Officer Kellie Ireland kellie@waia.asn.au