Notice of Special General Meeting

The Executive Committee of the Western Australian Internet Association hereby give notice of a Special General Meeting.
Date: Wednesday 17th April 2013
Venue: The Hyatt Regency, 99 Adelaide Tce, Perth
Start: 4:30pm for welcome drinks with proceedings commencing at 5.00pm, including Juniper Networks presentation ‘Let’s Build The Best’.
Cost: Attendance is Free
RSVP: Visit
This Special General Meeting will address the two vacant positions on the Executive Committee. All WAIA members are invited to nominate for the following positions.
1 x Corporate Class (term to run until August 2013)
1 x Professional Class (term to run until August 2014)
The Special General Meeting will commence at 5:00pm, and will be followed by a presentation from Juniper ‘Let’s Build The Best’.
Food and beverages will be provided.
Nomination Information
All nominees must meet the WAIA Executive requirements at, and are required to sign a non-disclosure agreement on joining the Executive.
To nominate for an Executive position, please email including the following information:
Full Name:
Member Class:
Company (if applicable):
Phone Number:
Description: (a brief statement as to why you have nominated)
All nominations will be posted on the WAIA website (contact details will be kept confidential). Click here to review nominations.
Nominations close 3pm Wednesday 10 April, 2013
For further information on nominating or the requirements for being on the Executive Committee please contact
Absentee Votes
If you are unable to attend the SGM and would like to submit a vote by mail, the form will be available on the WAIA website at the close of the nomination period.
To submit a vote by mail, you will need to complete the voting form, and email it to secretary@waia.asn.aubefore 12:00PM Tuesday 16 April, 2013
While the meeting is open to the general public, only financial members are eligible to vote at the AGM. Financial members are those whose membership is paid and up-to-date.
Please RSVP to by Friday 12 April