IX Australia launches 40Gbps peering with amaysim

The Internet Association of Australia (IAA) are pleased to launch 40Gbps peering services on their IX Australia network. Long term member and peer amaysim are the first to light up 40Gbps services on both NSW-IX and WA-IX.
“As a member driven association IAA strive to provide any services which support our members and the Internet as a whole in Australia,” said Association Chair and Technical Manager, Joe Wooller. “In delivering 40Gbps peering the association is once again addressing the needs of our members”.
“Peering at 40Gbps enables us to maximize the performance benefits of our links with major content providers including Facebook, Google, and Netflix. Amaysim is the first internet provider to connect to both, Sydney and Perth internet exchanges at 40Gbps. This new and cutting-edge network design ultimately delivers a better experience for our customers,” says Rob Appel, Commercial Director Broadband at amaysim.”
“We are extremely pleased to see the continued growth of our network, delivering Australia’s only not-for-profit and carrier natural Internet peering exchange, IX Australia. The Association will continue to provide quality services to our members,” said Wooller.
“IAA remains committed to developing projects that support both members’ needs and the Internet community.”
40Gbps peering is available now at $1250 exc GST per month. For further information on 40Gbps peering on any IX Australia peering points please contact IX Australia Technical Manager, Joe Wooller, on 1300 653 132 or peering@internet.asn.au.