IX Australia Launches new POP at 100 Wickham

The IX Australia network enjoys continued growth with the launch of a new POP at Over the Wire’s flagship facility at 100 Wickham in Queensland. QLD-IX is part of the IX-Australia network operated by the Western Australian Internet Association (Inc).
“Extending our reach to Over the Wire’s datacenter at 100 Wickham provides increased peering options for our members,” said IX-Australia Technical Manager, Joe Wooller. “WAIA appreciates the efforts of Over the Wire for assisting with this expansion.”
Over the Wire’s General Manager of Voice and Data, Ben Cornish, commented that “The new POP will improve peering services offered between Over the Wire and IX Australia and will provide customers from both companies with yet another mutually beneficial point of interconnection.”
“It is exciting to see the IX Australia network continue to grow,” said WAIA President Pawel Mrugalski. “As a member owned and operated not for profit, it is essential for the network to meet the needs of our members and we are pleased to facilitate more POPs where they are needed.”
A full list of IX-Australia participants is available at http://www.internet.asn.au/peering.html.
For further information on peering from 100 Wickham on QLD-IX or any of the IX-Australia peering points please contact IX-Australia Technical Manager, Joe Wooller, on 1300 653 132 or peering@internet.asn.au or visit www.internet.asn.au.