AusNOG 2012

WAIA were pleased to send a team from the Executive to attend the 6th Annual AusNOG conference held in Melbourne in September. With a limit of 200 delegates this exclusive conference provides a valuable opportunity for the Australian network engineering community, ISP’s and content providers a great event to explore, discuss technical and exchange ideas.
The two full days were filled with key presentations on a range of topics and specific projects relevant to Australian Network Operators. A detailed insight was provided on new hardware technology, security, network environment and dynamic applications as well as opportunity for delegates to discuss current operational issues and ideas.
Pawel Mrugalski (WAIA Executive) who attended the event for a second year representing CipherTel said “This is an important event to gain direction within the industry, benchmark your own technical skills and increase your knowledge amongst industry contacts”.
Also representing WAIA were Technical Manager, Joe Wooller, as well as Executive Members Petar Nikolich, Chris Markovic and Gavin Tweedie (also a member of the AusNOG board).
The WAIA Executive committee encourages all members with an interest in networking with industry leaders to attended AusNOG 2013 in Sydney next year.