IAA Continues to Support APRICOT

Following our successful hosting of last year’s event, IAA is pleased to continue its support of Asia Pacific’s largest internet conference by sponsoring APRICOT 2021.
We were very fortunate to be able to have the conference in person last year. Current circumstances around the world mean APRICOT 2021 will be a virtual event, in partnership with the Philippine Network Operators Group (PHNOG).
As usual technical training will be offered in the first week (Monday 22nd to Friday 26th February), and the APRICOT conference itself will run from Monday 1st to Thursday 4th March 2021. APNIC51 and other side meetings such as APIX will also occur in the same window.
Registration for APRICOT 2021 is free for the entire event and we really encourage our members to check out the program and tune in for the great line up of speakers.
If you feel you have the expertise to offer a technical tutorial or participate in a conference session as a speaker, the call for papers is open until Sunday 7th February. More information on presenting or convening a panel session can be found on the APRICOT 2021 website.