IAA supports the launch of NZ Internet Exchange Inc as foundation member

“Following the overwhelming success of the Auckland Internet Exchange (AKL-IX) trial conducted by the Internet Association of Australia (IAA), operators of IX Australia, we are pleased to announce the launch of the New Zealand Internet Exchange Incorporated (NZIX Inc),” said Chairman Davey Goode.
“Through the support of the team at IAA we have developed a member governed, neutral peering exchange which will provide easier and more cost effective interconnects for the internet community of New Zealand.
“Moving forward the NZIX Inc committee will take on overseeing the management and growth of the exchange with the ongoing support of IAA.”
“As a founding member of NZ-IX Inc we are committed to providing ongoing support to the exchange growth,” said IAA President Tom Berryman. “The development of an independent and neutral peering exchange in New Zealand benefits the internet community in the region by introducing more peering options and services, as well as our existing membership and peering base at home in Australia.”
The AKL-IX exchange has been in a trial period for 12 months, and the exchange will commence charging for services from 1 July 2016.
We are now inviting all our current peers to sign up as members of NZIX Inc by visiting https://portal.akl-ix.nz/ and ordering the required port size, 1GB or 10GB, both sizes will be charged at $350 NZD per month (excluding GST).
NZIX looks forward to the support of our existing peers, and welcomes new peers to contact us to join.
For further information please contact peering@akl-ix.nz or visit www.akl-ix.nz
New Zealand Internet Exchange Incorporated Foundation Members
CloudFlare, Inc
Connectivity I.T.
Full Flavour Ltd
Inspire Net Ltd
Lightwire Limited
Vibe Communications LTD
Vocus Pty Ltd
Internet Association of Australia Inc.
New Zealand Internet Exchange Incorporated Committee Members
Davey Goode, Vibe Communications LTD (Chairman)
Joseph Wooller, Internet Association of Australia Inc. (Secretary)
Petar Nikolich, Internet Association of Australia Inc.(Treasurer)
Chris Browning, Lightwire Limited
Dave Mill, Inspire Net Ltd
Tom Paseka, CloudFlare, Inc