IAA Welcomes New Members to its Board

We would officially like to welcome two new members to the IAA Board, Richard Thompson from Cloudflare and Nate Garr from StackPath, both elected by corporate members for two-year terms.
We are also delighted to welcome back to the board David Hooton, Matthew Moyle-Croft, Matthew Enger and Brett O’Hara. David and Brett were both elected by corporate members for three-year terms, whilst Matthew Moyle-Croft and Matthew Enger were elected by professional members, for three year and two-year terms, respectively.
New and returning members will join Matthew McDonough and Daryl Collins who are continuing their two-year terms after their election last year. Thank you also to Daryl for fulfilling the duties of Returning Officer at this year’s election.
The IAA Board and staff would also like to thank Nathan Brookfield who retired from the Board at this year’s AGM, after five years tireless work on behalf of the Association. Thank you also to Jay Binks for his service over the last year.
There are also several areas to highlight as focus for the year ahead. A consultation process with members will be undertaken over a proposal to become a national not-for-profit organisation under Australian corporations law, potentially moving away from the state-based associations law under which we currently sit. Rest assured, such a move would not mean abandoning our WA home, rather it would mean streamlining our governance. Our WA roots are too strong, too valuable and too important to lose.
Speaking of things important to our hearts, an announcement was also made of a program to remember Kellie Ireland which will assist a range of women both entering and continuing in the industry, and we hope members will support this initiative. Stay tuned in future for further announcements.
Several upcoming technical projects were also discussed during the meeting:
- Intercapital upgrades
- Further replacements of BDX8 switches in Melbourne
- 100G Facebook caches to be activated in Brisbane, Melbourne and Perth
- New content and mirrors
If you have anything you’d like to see in our content caches, do please get in touch, and we’ll do our best to get it on board!
If you missed the meeting, or would like to re-watch the proceedings, you can view the recording on our YouTube Channel or Facebook page. The AGM presentation slides and our first Annual Report publication are available to download our website.
We were also very lucky to secure guest speaker Jari Arkko of Ericsson Research to present at this year’s AGM. Jari’s presentation Evolving the Internet through COVID-19 and Beyond looked at how the Internet has been coping during these periods of lockdown, other changes brought about by the pandemic, and what lessons can be learned from these into the future. You can also watch Jari’s presentation on our YouTube Channel.