IX-Australia expands to South Australia

The WA Internet Association (WAIA) announces the launch of the SA-IX peering point, an expansion of the IX-Australia peering network.
SA-IX is a carrier-neutral peering trial available by connecting to either of two SA-IX locations in central Adelaide. This peering point builds on the highly successful peering exchanges in Western Australia (WAIX), Victoria (VIC-IX) and Queensland (QLD-IX). SA-IX has been launched with the assistance of Adam Internet, Primus and Hostexpress.
“As the operator of the longest running Internet Exchange Point in Australia, we have a deep understanding of peering services. We are excited to bring these services to South Australia,” said IX-Australia Technical Manager, Joe Wooller.
“Peering offers low latency, high throughput connectivity to other peering participants, at fixed costs as opposed to use of a Internet Transit Supplier.”
WAIA welcomes initial peers Adam Internet, Hostexpress, Cinenet and Hostworks; and invites all existing members and encourages any new members to take the opportunity to join the SA-IX peering point with a free six-month trial.
For further information on SA-IX or any of the IX-Australia peering points please contact IX-Australia Technical Manager, Joe Wooller, on 1300 653 132 or joe@waia.asn.au.