WAIA – President’s Report 2012

This year has been another strong year for WAIA with a number of significant areas of growth.
One of the most significant improvements for WAIA is the appointment of an Executive Officer. We are very pleased to welcome Kellie Ireland as our new Executive Officer. Kellie will be able to assist with many of the initiatives that were otherwise resourced by volunteers. We’re optimistic that we’ll see a lot of the ideas that the Committee generate come to fruition with Kellie’s help.
As an Association we have effectively “gone national”. The peering points in Victoria and Queensland are now both fully operational and building momentum. We’re looking forward to further growth from these peering locations and I would like to welcome our new members that have joined WAIA to participate in peering at these locations.
Within WA we have made substantial progress on our additional location at QV1. This will provide additional space and capacity for WAIA and for members. We should have that available very soon.
On the “media” front we saw the launch of a new website this year and rebranding of the newsletter. We are now using membership management software (CiviCRM) which will provide members with online access to their membership details once fully operational. There are also plans to permit login to the website for online administration of member services.
Unfortunately, this year Bur.st announced that it was unable to continue without assistance. WAIA saw this as ideal opportunity to provide help and was able to transition the bur.st services across to WAIA. Under the WAIA Constitution we need to be providing services to members so we are now in the process of signing up ex-bur.st members that want to continue using the service. And, for those members that have already joined WAIA, welcome.
On the social front we saw another very high-standard of events including the memorable Xmas party. I’d like to acknowledge the efforts of the organisers in making the events happen.
On behalf of the Committee, I’d like to thank Joe and Kellie for their efforts throughout the year.
I’d also like to give thanks to all of the Committee for their contribution throughout the year. The Association relies heavily on the efforts of the Committee and being on the Committee is a voluntary role that can often be demanding.