28 Apr 2015 Dallas Buyers Club Decision – What does it mean for ISPs Industry News, Member Perram J of the Federal Court has handed down his decision in the preliminary discovery application made by the owners of copyright in the film the Dallas Buyers Club against six ISPs (the biggest being iiNet)
21 Apr 2015 Peer update Industry News, Technical The last month has been busy, and we’re happy to be able to share with you new peers on our Australian peering points. NSW-IX is going strong,…
26 Mar 2015 110 Unique peers! Industry News, Technical Today we hit 110 unique peers on IX Australia NSW (NSW-IX), we could not of done this without our peers! Thank you to all those you participate…
09 Mar 2015 New Pops New Peers! Industry News, Technical We are excited to announce that we have now launched a New Pop for IX Australia out at the Vocus DC on Doody St in Sydney NSW…
30 Jan 2015 NSW-IX hits 100 Peers! Industry News, Technical Today is an exciting day for our network. Our 100th unique peer is about to light up on our NSW-IX network. We’d like to extend a warm…
16 Dec 2014 ABC joins IX Australia network Industry News, Technical, Member IX Australia is excited to announce the provisioning of the ABC to the Sydney peering exchange, NSW-IX. “Bringing the ABC to our network, with its popular content…
15 Dec 2014 An update on the Dallas Buyers Club Piracy Actions Industry News, Member By Alan Arnott and Michael Langenheim Alan Arnott is a Technology Lawyer with Arnotts Technology Lawyers and Michael Langenheim is a Barrister at 4th Floor Selborne Chambers.…
09 Dec 2014 90 Peers now active! Industry News, Technical It has been a while since posts, however today we hit 90 unique peers on NSW-IX! We would like to welcome the following new peers: ABC (AS9342)…
18 Nov 2014 IX Australia extends services to New Zealand Industry News, Technical, Partners The IX Australia network is pleased to launch a new peering service in New Zealand. Auckland IX (ALK-IX) is a carrier-neutral peering exchange service, initially available within…