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IX Australia on AFL Grand Final Day


After what was an absolutely thrilling AFL Grand Final game between the West Coast Eagles and the Collingwood Magpie we sat down and had a look at the traffic levels we observed throughout the game.
As the teams were from WA and Victoria, we noticed that the periods of activity were most obvious in these states.

Here we can see before bounce-down leading up to 2pm AEST there is a general rise of traffic as people are posting to social media about either being at the game or watching from their loungerooms or favourite bars. As soon as the bounce though, we can see an appropriate trough as people’s eyes are fixed on the broadcast. It is then possible to see when quarter, half and full time with appropriate traffic rises and dips.

We have exported an Interactive Snapshot for you to look further – click to check it out!


All of our metrics are available at and we encourage people to check them out! Let us know if you see any other cool trends for us to share.


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