2017 AGM – Call for Committee Nominations

[av_heading tag=’h3′ padding=’10’ heading=’2017 AGM – Call for Committee Nominations’ color=” style=” custom_font=” size=” subheading_active=” subheading_size=’15’ custom_class=”][/av_heading]
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Being on the IAA Committee is a great way to get involved and give back to both the Association and to the internet community.
All nominees must meet the IAA Executive requirements within the Association Rules, available on our website here, and are required to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement and Conflict of Interest Disclosure on joining the Committee. Further details on the roles and responsibilities of the Committee are available here.
IAA are calling for nominees to the following positions.
- 1 x Professional Representative (term to run for 2 years)
- 2 x Corporate Representatives (term to run for 2 years)
- 1 x Corporate Representative (term to run for 1 year)
The Association calls members to nominate a person to be considered for election to the committee. All nominations are required to include a written statement by another member (the seconder) in support of the nomination. Once nominations are submitted a representative of the committee will contact the seconder regarding the submission of the supporting statement before the nomination can be accepted.
Nominations will be posted on the Association website (contact details will be kept confidential).
Nominations close at 5pm Wednesday August, 30 AWST (7 days prior to the AGM). Voting information will be issued on Thursday August, 31.
For further information on nominating or the requirements for being on the Committee please contact secretary@internet.asn.au
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Nominations are now closed.
Nominations close at 5pm Wednesday August, 30 (7 days prior to the AGM).
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[av_iconlist_item title=’AKAMAI, Daryl Collins’ link=” linktarget=” linkelement=” icon=’ue833′ font=’entypo-fontello’]
Nomination Statement
I work for Akamai Technologies in their global Network Architecture team and am based in Adelaide.
I have worked in the Internet industry for over 20 years. Prior to Akamai, I spent 15 years at Internode, leading the network teams and later focusing on Network Architecture at Internode and subsequently iiNet. My key interests are in Internet interconnection and routing.
I believe my working knowledge from both the Australian ISP and Global Content industry perspective combined with my experience in Internode’s management team would enable me to make a valuable contribution to IAA.
Supporting Statement from Amazon, Matthew Moyle-Croft
Daryl Collins has been part of the Australian and Global Internet community for more than 20 years working for companies both large and small. Having known him and/or worked with him for this entire time I am confident that he can represent the interests of IAA members across the spectrum.
[av_iconlist_item title=’IN A BOX HOLDINGS, Shane Short’ link=” linktarget=” linkelement=” icon=’ue833′ font=’entypo-fontello’]
Nomination Statement
As a current member on the committee, I’m looking to re-nominate. I’m very passionate about the Australian Internet Community and think it’s a very crucial time in our industry. With the constantly changing commerical and legal landscape, it’s vital that our our Industry have an association that not only lobbies for their rights, but is also working in their best interests, with no other commercial incentive. I also believe that IX Australia are the best peering points in the country, and I would like to continue my involvement in helping them thrive.
Supporting Statement from Hostaway, Ashley Hadassin
Shane has devoted himself to the Internet industry for more than 15 years, having worked for a variety of ISPs including my father-in-law’s business, Arachnet. Whilst we have been competitors for the past eight years, with Shane running his own hosting company, I have always found him to be knowledgeable and genuine in his support for the industry.
I believe Shane has the integrity and passion required for the role with IAA and will continue to represent its members with aplomb.
[av_iconlist_item title=’SIMTRONIC TECHNOLOGIES PTY LTD, Nathan Brookfield’ link=” linktarget=” linkelement=” icon=’ue833′ font=’entypo-fontello’]
Nomination Statement
As a current committee member elected in 2015, I have enjoyed serving the members of the association over the last two years.
We have been able to achieve some substantial changes in that time including a name and constitution change as well as growing the existing IX Australia peering fabric which has been our primary focus. As a committee, we have also been working hard on new member focused initiatives that will soon be announced and I have enjoyed being involved in workshopping and developing these for our members.
I feel that my contributions have been valuable to the association and its members and would like the chance to continue and follow through on everything the committee has been working hard on.
I have enjoyed giving back my time to the community and feel I still have a lot to give to the association moving forward
Supporting Statement from Servers Australia Pty Ltd, Jared Hirst
I have known Nathan for 10+ years as a customer, employee, supplier, and director of WAIA/IAA, he is a very valued member to the Internet industry and has been apart of the community for 17+ years.
Nathan will always put others first and will be a great asset to the IAA committee in making decisions, assisting with projects and to all the members of the community not only with his time but also his expertise.
I support Nathan in becoming a member of the committee for the IAA.
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[av_iconlist_item title=’David Hooton’ link=” linktarget=” linkelement=” icon=’ue833′ font=’entypo-fontello’]
Nomination Statement
I have been working in the Australian Internet industry for the last 20 years and am currently helping NEXTDC build their connectivity business. I am also director of Ordnance Networks and IP.
I have a passion for the Australian Internet industry and believe that my management experience provides a solid background that will help IAA’s committee focus on delivering value to its members.
We as an industry have failed to stand up and present a single unified voice on issues such as the NBN and Data Retention and unless we start to take a thought leader approach, we are going to continue to have politicians and lobby group writing business plans and designing networks for us.
Supporting Statement from Simtronic Technologies Pty Ltd, Nathan Brookfield
David has been involved in the internet industry for the last 20 years and I have known him as both a supplier and industry mentor. He has consistently shown a love and passion for the industry and has contributed at every opportunity that he has had with both his personal finances and time.