AGM 2016 – Call for nominations

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Being on the IAA Executive Committee is a great way to get involved and give back to both the Association and to the internet community.
IAA are calling for nominees to the following positions.
- 2 x Professional Representative (term to run for 2 years)
- 3 x Corporate Representatives (term to run for 2 years)
All nominees must meet the IAA Executive requirements within the Constitution, available here, and are required to sign a non-disclosure agreement and Conflict of Interest on joining the Executive.
All nominations will be posted on the Association website (contact details will be kept confidential).
Nominations close at 5pm Tuesday 18th October 2016 (7 days prior to the AGM).
For further information on nominating or the requirements for being on the Executive Committee please contact
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[av_iconlist_item title=’Chris Markovic, R COM International Pty Ltd’ link=” linktarget=” linkelement=” icon=’ue833′ font=’entypo-fontello’]
I offer myself for nomination to the IAA Executive committee as an Australian company director with over 16 years experience in the IT and Telecommunications sectors. I am passionate about the Internet industry and IAA’s role in engaging with the corporate users and the general public. I have previously represented IAA when it was formally known as WAIA for several periods and would welcome the opportunity to assist the association through the next era of its evolution.
[av_iconlist_item title=’David Brown, Anticlockwise Pty Ltd’ link=” linktarget=” linkelement=” icon=’ue833′ font=’entypo-fontello’]
I am the Treasurer of IAA and currently provide remote hands for all NSW-IX PoP sites.
IAA and IX Australia make a huge difference to the Australian and New Zealand Internet. Providing an open and cost effective means to peer is such an important service, particularly when commercial IX’s will not service all of Australia.
As one of the first NSW based executive members, I’m proud to have been a part of establishing NSW-IX and seeing it grow to exceed the traffic levels of other existing NSW commercial exchanges.
If re-elected I intend to continue the good work of the association.
There are currently 183 peers on NSW-IX. Sorry if this sounds condescending. (AusNOG Joke)
[av_iconlist_item title=’Paul Arch, DC West Pty Ltd’ link=” linktarget=” linkelement=” icon=’ue833′ font=’entypo-fontello’]
IAA’s service and support has been important both past and present in several start-up companies I have been involved in. Without access to technologies such as peering IX, our ability to provide services in what has traditionally been an expensive bandwidth market quite possibly made it unfeasible to get things off the ground. I have also appreciated the technical support and advisement from the IAA team over the last several years as our businesses have grown.
As a previous serving committee member I would like to continue providing my support to IAA by working with the executive in helping IAA’s achieve its objectives.
[av_iconlist_item title=’Tom Berryman, Connectivity I.T. Pty Ltd’ link=” linktarget=” linkelement=” icon=’ue833′ font=’entypo-fontello’]
The last 24 months have been enjoyable and rewarding and I hope for the next 24 months to be the same. During the last 12 months as the sitting President of the Association I feel we have made an impact in our efforts to improve internet services in Australia. I also feel that there is a lot of work that I have started in this position that is incomplete and I would like the opportunity to continue this work.
If re-elected to the executive, I intend to renominate for the President position and continue to advocate, assist and support the Association as best I can.
[av_iconlist_item title=’Tim Hoffman, Twitter Inc’ link=” linktarget=” linkelement=” icon=’ue833′ font=’entypo-fontello’]
I lead Twitter’s global network team.
I spent the last decade running telco networks in New Zealand, before moving to San Francisco, where I have spent the last 2.5 years working in content networking. Over this time I’ve had a large involvement in Australian telecommunications, and believe that IX Australia is essential to the success of the Australian and New Zealand internet.
I believe that with my knowledge of the needs of both local and international networks, I could make a meaningful contribution to the organization, and would be honored to have your support to do so. While distance can be a challenge, if elected I will commit to attending the AGM each year in person.
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[av_iconlist_item title=’Adam Gibson’ link=” linktarget=” linkelement=” icon=’ue833′ font=’entypo-fontello’]
Over the last few years, I have been an external party in supporting IAA (WAIA/IX AU) whether it is assisting in getting new clients signing up or helping them connect in, helping IAA out at events or being remote hands. I see the value in IAA with its countless contributions to the community, like being an enabler for the smaller companies who are able to connect into large social media and streaming providers or a way for businesses to interconnect into different states without needing to be in them.
Being in my 10th year of data centres, I would like to be more apart of the community and would like to put my name down, and support this great not for profit community. If elected, I look forward to supporting the association with its ongoing clients and help enable new clients connect into this fabric. In addition to this, I want to be of assistance in the ongoing upgrade paths for both current capacity and new growth.
I will both support and contribute with the IAA team and ensure the duties are completed for the better of IAA.
[av_iconlist_item title=’Brad Peczka’ link=” linktarget=” linkelement=” icon=’ue833′ font=’entypo-fontello’]
I have a long history with the IAA (and its predecessor, WAIA), having joined as a Professional Member in 2009 and serving on the Executive Committee between September 2010 and February 2012. To this day, I continue to be involved with a number of other non profit organisations, having also previously served with Red Flag Lan Fest Inc. in a variety of roles from its foundation in 2005 until 2012, and Western Australian Community Access Networks (WACAN) Inc. where I was part of the founding committee in 2014 and am currently the Vice Chairperson.
As a dedicated enthusiast of technology and the internet in general, I have worked in the broader IT industry for over 10 years and am currently employed as the Lead Network & Security Analyst for a large organisation in the resources sector. I maintain a keen interest in the changing Australian internet landscape, and am concerned by issues such as the unimpeded consolidation of ISPs and the seeming lack of direction that currently afflicts the NBN.
The IAA occupies a unique place within the Australian internet industry, as both the largest operator of carrier-neutral peering exchanges and as an organisation with the potential to be a real advocate for the industry and users both within Australia and internationally. If elected to the IAA Committee, I look forward to assisting the association with its ongoing growth, as well as working to enhance the services offered to our members and ensuring that the IAA continues to represent the interests of all its members to the Government and other relevant parties.
[av_iconlist_item title=’David Spruce’ link=” linktarget=” linkelement=” icon=’ue833′ font=’entypo-fontello’]
As an IT professional, I have a certain passion for networking and wide area communication which has helped shape my career as a Network Engineer for an MSP. I very much enjoy helping businesses connect with their staff and customers, which is why I’ve always been fond of the IAA (previously WAIA).
I have been a long time spectator, and in the last 2 years a professional member, of the IAA, and I am excited by the possibility of being able to assist and support the association with their objectives and help mold their future.
I have had the opportunity to be heavily involved with non-profit organisations in the past, having been a previous committee member and volunteer for Red Flag Lan Fest Inc. and helping with the creation and standing on the committee for Western Australian Community Access Networks (WACAN) Inc. Now I have moved away from managing those associations, I am now looking for my next area to give back.
[av_iconlist_item title=’Joe Wooller’ link=” linktarget=” linkelement=” icon=’ue833′ font=’entypo-fontello’]
My name is Joe Wooller and I am currently a member of IAA (formerly WAIA) and employed as Technical Manager since 2006. I have worked in the industry since 1999. While I attend meetings and attempt to represent the views of members as well as give professional advice to the committee I am somewhat curtailed as I am not permitted a vote. This is very important as I have daily contact with members and believe I am in the ideal position to represent the views and opinions of members to the committee. It is for this reason I am standing for a full voting position as a member of the committee.
I do this with the full understanding of both my fiduciary duty and awareness that if any conflict of interest arises from either my personal position or the dual roles of voting member and principle employee I will need to remain silent, declare the conflict and be excluded from voting. As a full member of the committee I will be in a much stronger position to fully represent members as an equal with other committee members.
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To nominate for an Executive position, please complete the following form or email
Nominations closed at 5pm Tuesday 18th October 2016 (7 days prior to the AGM).