Catching up with Gavin Tweedie

A few months back, one of our staff members caught up with Gavin Tweedie, IAA/WAIA’s first ever employee! Gavin was WA-IX’s Peering Engineer from 2000-2006, before moving to iiNet as a Network Engineer for eight years. His latest role is with Megaport as the Product Manager of Interconnection.
Gavin first became involved with WA-IX as a member of WAIA during his time working for Netway. He saw the role of a Technical Manager being advertised and approached the Committee to find out more. Attending University at the time, completing a Computer Science degree and feeling as though he wasn’t learning much, Gavin wanted to get out and start working. Everything went well with the Committee; he secured the Technical Manager role, and the rest is history!
When asked what he thought WA-IX has achieved for Australia’s internet, his response was “that it still exists”. Gavin explained that in the early 2000s, there were a number of state-based exchanges, and WA-IX was the one that survived. He attributes its success to a few things: a tight-knit community, large enough to require staff, that it fostered friendly competition, advocacy, and distance. A tight-knit community meant that the IX had adequate community support. As the IX grew, you no longer had to rely on the goodwill of your competitors to help you out (in the earlier days, WA-IX ran on volunteers that often worked for competing organisations). However, working with others that worked for competing organisations helped to foster a friendly competitive environment and encouraged community cooperation. The advocacy efforts have continued to build a lot of goodwill for the Association in the industry, and lastly, distance. As we all know, the wholesale costs for transit in the earlier days were a function of how far away you were from the content you wanted to access. The Association’s value was even higher, saving members money, and we now have exchanges thriving in almost every capital city.
Gavin hopes to see WA-IX continue to do what it’s doing and not lose its focus on technical services or its WA roots. He also hopes to see the continuation of the Association’s support of important industry-specific events such as APRICOT.