From the CEO’s desk August 2023

Winter is almost done and to mark it we celebrated the 10 year anniversary of NSW-IX and partnered with APNIC to run even more events. Hopefully now there are no barriers to RPKI deployment across the country and all routes everywhere will be certified! In the spirit of keeping Members informed we are also planning a member forum on 9 August where we can update everyone on all our network plans and hear any Member’s bouquets or brickbats on how we’re going. Respond using the survey link inside the IAA Member Portal if there is something you want added to the agenda. We’re keen to hear your thoughts. I’ve got several pieces of good news to share too, so please make the time to attend.
Network-wise, it’s mainly been housekeeping projects with route server updates, some rack migrations (RIP BDX8), and of course the great re-numbering of WA-IX. Sadly our long held address space went to another party, and if you want all the gory details, do check out my blog on the topic. A big thank you to all those Members who have already renumbered, and many thanks also to the team. Nick, Matt K and Suzanne did amazing work behind the scenes getting (new fancy!) route servers going, (freshly) integrating our trouble ticketing system to our messaging system and compiling all the (multitude of detailed) items to go out. It’s been a fantastic effort.
On the advocacy front we’ve had countless discussions either with – or about – the NBN SAU. We supported the ACCC’s call for improvements to NBN Co’s commitments to improve the benchmark service standards, and pricing certainty. We remain unconvinced about this process, but as ever live in the hope pricing will improve.
Members also should have received information relating to APNIC’s governance review. While IAA is not in a position to take a stance one way or another on APNIC’s rules, we do however encourage members to review the options and VOTE! Good governance of the Regional Internet Registry is essential to good governance of the Internet, so please act on this one.
What’s coming up in the next few months? Well, we’ll be at NetThing, the CyberOz/Asia Pacific regional IGF, and of course AusNOG. See you all there!
I’m looking forward to seeing you at our upcoming IAA Member Forum, and don’t forget to put all our end of year events into your diaries, too! Check out August’s Newsletter, as I’ve barely scratched the surface of all the things the team have been up to.
Happy peering!
Narelle Clark