30 Sep 2021 Look out blogosphere, here we come! Member, Blog After much internal anticipation, research and writing, we are happy to launch our very own blog next month! With a prospective launch date of Friday, October 15,…
30 Sep 2021 Out-of-band network Technical We are pleased to announce the purchase of 35 Nodegrid Gate Services Routers and two Net Service Routers that will improve our network management and infrastructure. These new pieces of hardware will be used for both in-band and out-of-band services, with…
30 Sep 2021 BDX8 removal – Melbourne Industry News, Technical, Partners At long last we have migrated off the BDX8. When Covid prevented the road trip to Melbourne the team had planned, it was down to crossing our…
30 Sep 2021 Netflix becomes opt-in Industry News, Technical, Partners This morning, members received an email regarding a configuration issue with Netflix caches. The issue was recently identified and has since been resolved. As a result, members…
30 Sep 2021 Open Submissions Member, Advocacy September’s Advocacy Corner Update Submissions that may be of interest to members include: Review of Criminal Code Amendment (Sharing of Violent Abhorrent Violent Material) (AVM) Act 2019 |…
30 Sep 2021 From the CEO’s Desk Industry News, Newsletter Well, here we are almost into the last quarter of the year. This last month has been another productive one, with the old BDX8 Extreme (aka ‘Black Diamond’)…
29 Sep 2021 International Smile Day 2021 Member, Blog Happy international smile day! To mark this day, we would like to share with you a snippet from one of our newsletters in ’97 about the use…
14 Sep 2021 Recent Submissions Advocacy As an organisation with a proud heritage deep-seated in advocacy, we are pleased to share our most recent submissions: Expressed our perspective on the Department of Home…
31 Aug 2021 From the CEO’s Desk Industry News, Newsletter There are clearly a lot of people stuck at home on the internet right now and this is being reflected across our traffic statistics, with us hitting…